매일 성경 1장 듣기- 시편 11장, 아가페 쉬운성경 (Psalms11, Agape Easy Bible)
매일 성경을 1장씩 같이 들으며 1독해 보아요~ Let's read the entire Bible by listening to one chapter of the Bible together every day~!! #시편 11장 아가페 쉬운성경 (Psalms 11, Agape Easy Bible) #Audio bble# Audio bible in korean#Eay Bble#Audio Bible#Daily Bible#성경음#성경 듣기#매일 성경 듣기#쉬운성경 음성#성경 음성#성경낭독##Psalms#BIBLE#쉬운 성경 듣기#아가페 쉬운 성경 듣기#시편11편#아름다운 #목소리#듣고싶은 목소리#good voice#sweet voice#voice before sleep#korean voice#korean vible#bible reading in korean#한국말 배우기#한국어#Learning korean#성경통독#잠자기전 조용한음성#차분한음성#Listening to the Bible every day