GTA 5 - CASINO HEIST - Vault Explosives (Aggressive Approach)

GTA 5 - CASINO HEIST - Vault Explosives (Aggressive Approach)

GTA 5 - CASINO HEIST - Vault Explosives (Aggressive Approach) This prep mission is the toughest to carry out if you're doing it solo so we recommend getting a friend. You can totally do it solo, but it will take a very long time to be completed. This mission requires you to go to Alamo Sea and search the plane wreckage for vault explosives. However, the area will be crawling with Merryweather soldiers. There will be several at the little pier of Alamo Sea where you can also find Scuba Diving Gear to put on, in order to search the wreckage, and there will be two helicopters along with some boats at the wreckage site as well. Getting the scuba gear is not mandatory though. Before starting this mission get some rebreathers from ammu-nation and put them on prior to starting the mission or else you won't be able to put them on. Head over to the site and take out all the guards, then dive in to search for the vault explosives. Once you get the explosives you will need to head back to the Arcade to deliver it. Now, if you're doing it solo then you will need to come back and get the second crate as well. Every time you come back, you will see the Merryweather helicopters respawning over the wreckage site and you will need to take them out every time. Also, when you grab the crate and start moving towards the Arcade, the helicopters will spawn again and chase you down. So you need to make sure you have a getaway vehicle or a boat that you can take to the site and use to easily head back to the shore. TIP: Here's an "unpopular" tip from us if you're doing this solo. If you have an Oppressor Mark II, then head over to the location, take out all the guards and then dive into the water to locate the vault explosive crates. Once you get the crate, you will unfortunately have to swim back to the shore since jumping off of your Oppressor will destroy it as soon as it goes in the water. One you're on the surface after getting the crate, the helicopters will spawn again and come shooting at you. Do not worry about it and let them kill you, but make sure you are swimming above the surface and not underwater when you die. Now your crate will be on top of the water surface instead of deep underwater. When you spawn back, you will spawn at the shore. Call Mors Mutual insurance and request your Oppressor Mark II again. Once it arrives. Hope on it and collect the crate. You will be able to collect it while you're on your Oppressor. Then simply head back to the Arcade and deliver the first crate. Repeat for the second crate and you are done with it. See all that effort? Why not save yourself some time and energy and just do this mission with a friend. It'll be much better! Fun Mission and the final one for aggressive approach. Hopefully the finale is easy. Ft. Tamil Puzhavars