#GTAOnline Using Your Superyacht to Get Rid of Enemy Chopper NPCs
People say that the Superyacht is nothing more than a flex. I disagree. If you are chased by enemy NPCs on Buzzards or any aircraft in Freemode missions, park in your Superyacht, turn on its defenses, and watch your pursuers drop like flies without even firing a single bullet! If new ones spawn again, they'll just blow up instantly. This works best in Lupe's CEO crate missions and the Diamond Casino Heist (Aggressive approach) - vault explosives setup mission if the explosives will have to be retrieved from Paleto Cove which is way above the map (though you will have to move your yacht close to Paleto Bay first before starting the mission for this workaround to be worth doing). Once they stop spawning, you can return to your property safely. This video was taken from a Salvage Yard Robbery setup mission.