Stabilize shoulders (Reduce Neck Pain & Sneeze Pee )
Discover how to stabilize your shoulders and spine to release tension, improve breathing, and support pelvic floor strength. 🔥 Unlock a younger healthier body: heal foot pain, knee pain, pelvic floor issues : https://lovecassie.ca/ #pelvicfloorhealth #shoulderstability #functionalmovement Cassie Love Yoga Injury Story 😄 (1min) • Cassie Love Yoga Injury Story Have you ever had a doctor brush you off ? Please drop a comment --------------- Courses: Foot pain: https://lovecassie.ca/courses/heal-th... Knee pain: https://lovecassie.ca/courses/knee-he... Pelvic floor issues: https://lovecassie.ca/courses/pelvic-... FREE body pain : https://lovecassie.ca/courses-list/ --------------- Connect with me: Facebook: @CassieYogaLove Youtube: @CassieYogaLove QUESTION - Have a question about YouTube or online video? Drop it in the comments ! This video is NOT sponsored. Which means, I alone am creating these and would love your support! Like, comment and share really helps me to stay motivated to keep making more videos. ❤️ WELCOME ! How to reduce pain is something we can all do. Body pain is letting you know that you are missing some Essential movement (EM). We need EM or we get sick. HEALING WITH YOGA IS NICE, BUT often EM are missing in regular exercise/yoga programs, or it all looks the same. It is confusing how to do it right. I am crazy passionate about teaching the difference because my decades of dedicated yoga practice did not heal my back pain. My back pain stopped completely once I started EM. EM are holistic simple PRECISE body movements that open & maintain power lines to maximize Life Long Health. In other words EM heals the body and reduces pain, all what I thought I was doing in yoga classes! Side effects: natural pain relief and becoming extremely sexy. Rather than copying teachers and doing what everyone else is doing. I am sharing how you can maximize your exercise efforts addressing multiple root causes with EM, precise body movements. Become a younger sexier version of you with less effort and faster results! Subscribe to stay in the loop & get free tips : www.lovecassie.ca --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Zoom sessions message me: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sciatica pain relief Restorative Exercise pain health natural healing healing Better posture Reduce pain naturally knee pain back pain foot pain hip pain neck pain generalized pain chronic pain Fibromyalgia Improve flexibility improve mobility heart health lung health Asthma pregnancy aches pregnancy pain Yoga for pregnancy yoga after delivery Pelvic floor Disorders menstrual cramps urinary issues sneeze pee incontinence pelvic pain organ prolapse prostate issues better bone density Lower blood pressure Depression Chronic Fatigue, Better digestion Heartburn Bloating jumpstart Metabolism acid reflux office break yoga Computer Worker Yoga Carpal Tunnel Eye Tension Eye Strain Neck Tension shoulder tightness Tools for Managing Stress & Anxiety shoulder Tendonitis Muscle Tension Dowager's Hump hunched back Chronic Back Pain Degenerative Disk Disease Tight Hips, Busy mind Obesity weight loss Headaches reduce Anxiety Stress relief Hamstrings insomnia Diastasis Recti Autoimmune Disorder reduce Inflammation Swollen knees Lupus, better Balance Arthritis Difficulty Swallowing Osteoporosis Lower Leg Circulation Foot Pain Bunions - Hammer Toe Plantar Fasciitis Runner's Feet Repair PTSD personal growth Yoga better flexibility Headaches IBS Mental Health --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cassie Love recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.