Meganeuron OD Plus Capsule Use Dose Benefits Side effects In Bengali
Meganeuron OD Plus meganeuron OD Plus Capsule meganeuron OD Plus Capsule Use meganeuron OD Plus Capsule Use in bengali meganeuron OD Plus Capsule benefits meganeuron OD Plus Capsule benefits in bengali meganeuron OD Plus bangla meganeuron OD Plus Capsule dose meganeuron OD Plus Capsule review meganeuron OD Plus Capsule price meganeuron OD Plus Side effects meganeuron OD Plus review in bengali meganeuron OD Plus In Bengali asanjeeban BENEFITS OF MEGANEURON OD PLUS: It is indicated to treat nerve pain and damage in peripheral neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage due to high blood sugar levels), and alcoholic neuropathy. It relieves symptoms like numbness, tingling, burning, and needle-like sensations in the hands and feet. It also improves memory and brain functioning. COMPOSITION: Methylcobalamin 1500MCG Pyridoxine hydrochloride 5mg Benfotamine 50mg Alpha lipoic acid 200mg Folic acid 5mg biotin 5mg SIDE EFFECTS: Vomiting Diarrhea constipation sleep dry mouth DOSE:1 Capsule once at bedtime or directed by your doctor. This video on this channel is designated for educational for knowledge purpose only. It is not intended to be a substitute for any information medical advice for care. Doctor you should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding you for your child's condition. Please subscribe my channel. Thanks for watching. #Meganeuron_OD_Plus #MeganeuronODPlus #MeganeuronODpluscapsule