How to Foam Roll Your Upper-Back to Melt Tension Away | The Right Way | Well+Good
To get notified about new video uploads, subscribe to Well+Good's channel: [ / wellandgood ] Foam rolling is one of the best ways you can mobilize and stretch the muscles in your upper back. Plus, if you find yourself sitting at your desk all day this is one of the best ways to stretch out and open up your back. Follow along with Chloe as she shows you the right way to get the most out of your foam roller. Love Chloe? Check her out here: / @gochlopilates Subscribe to Well+Good’s channel for more fitness tips and tricks: / wellandgood Check out more The Right Way videos here: How To Do An Overhead Press With A Resistance Band: • How To Do An Overhead Press With A Re... How To Do A Tricep Dip: • How To Do A Tricep Dip with Sydney Lo... How To Do A Bicep Curl: • How To Do A Bicep Curl | The Right Wa... About Well+Good: Well+Good believes that wellness and health should be attainable for all—and recognizes the many barriers that prevent that from becoming a reality. Sitting at the cross-section of trends, service, and evidence-based journalism, we work to inform, empower, and educate communities and individuals when it comes to fitness, mental health, beauty, food, relationships, finance, and all other ways your day-to-day impacts your ability to live well, while working to challenge the systems that could hold you (or others) back. Your well-being is a birthright. Wellness is how you get there. You can find Well+Good here: Site 🖥️: https://www.wellandgood.com Instagram 📸: / iamwellandgood Facebook 👍: / iamwellandgood Twitter 🐤: / iamwellandgood Pinterest 📌: / iamwellandgood