12 MINUTES GLUTE WORKOUT at home || Ankle weights (optional)

12 MINUTES GLUTE WORKOUT at home || Ankle weights (optional)

Here’s an awesome workout designed to target both your glutes and quads. Take it easy and embrace that burn! This workout is perfect if you only have ankle weight available. Workout structure: 40 seconds of exercise, 20 seconds of rest, with each move repeated 2 times Exercises: • BACK SQUAT • BACK SQUAT • 3X SQUAT PULSES, SQUAT • 3X SQUAT PULSES, SQUAT • REVERSE LUNGE PULSE X3 (R) • REVERSE LUNGE PULSE X3 (L) • REVERSE LUNGE KNEE TUCK (R) • REVERSE LUNGE KNEE TUCK (L) • DONKEY KICKS (R) • DONKEY KICKS (L) • SUMO SQUAT TO CALF RAISES • SUMO SQUAT TO CALF RAISES Take your time with each move, concentrate on good form, and enjoy! Puchase my 6-Week Fat Loss program https://mokgatlesedii.gumroad.com/l/c... Purchase my 6-Week Build Your Glutes progam https://mokgatlesedii.gumroad.com/l/v... Instagram :   / sedi_mokgatle   TikTok :   / sedi_pienaar