ACCA 2024 | ACCA Exam Tips | FinAccTing With Zaheer & Aryan
In the latest FinAccting podcast, Zaheer sits down with Aryan, an ACCA Knowledge Level student who began his ACCA journey in 2019 and successfully qualified in 2024. Aryan shares his experiences and insights into navigating the ACCA course and mastering the ACCA syllabus. He discusses the challenges and triumphs he faced throughout his ACCA journey, offering valuable advice for current and prospective students. Aryan emphasizes the importance of dedication, effective study strategies, and time management. This episode provides a comprehensive look into the ACCA Knowledge Level and how it sets the foundation for a successful ACCA career in 2024. Whether you're just starting or already on your ACCA path, Aryan's story will inspire and guide you toward achieving your professional goals. Tune in to gain practical tips and motivation for your ACCA journey. To know more, get in touch: 📱 WhatsApp - https://wa.link/b15wc0 🌐 Website - https://bit.ly/3NfCxu3 📞 Call - +91 99236 46652 {acca course, acca syllabus, acca fees, acca journey, acca knowledge level, acca practical exam, acca career opportunities, acca career 2024, acca exam practice, acca students, acca free demo lectures} #accacourse #accafees #accastudent #accasyllabus #accastudent #knowledgelevel #accaexam #accacurriculum #accapapers #accastudent #accajourney #accacareerpath #zaheersayedacca #aryan #accafreedemolecture