Sermon - April 28, 2024 Traditional worship | Prince of Peace Orlando

Sermon - April 28, 2024 Traditional worship | Prince of Peace Orlando

Sermon - April 28, 2024 Traditional worship | Prince of Peace Orlando | Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Zehnder * * * * “Courage to Obey” • Acts 8:26-40; 1 John 4:1-11 (12-21); John 15:1-8 • Philip the Evangelist is an example of someone attuned to God’s whisper, obedient and available for God to work through him. Following the Spirit’s lead, Philip went up to a prominent official from Ethiopia who was longing to know God’s redemption and power. Philip listened to the man’s questions and had opportunity to share the good news about Jesus. Are you and I attentive to the Spirit’s leading? Our availability gives God the opportunity to use us to convey His word of life. | Guest preacher: Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Zehnder About this series: "Resurrecting Courage" - It takes courage to be a Christian—but perhaps not for the reasons that might immediately come to mind. Some have suggested that the challenge the church faces is less about how our society lost its way, but that it is that the church has forgotten “to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly” with the One who IS the way (Micah 6:8; John 14:6). This Easter season we look at snapshots of the early Christian to gain a sense of how those walking with Jesus submitted to His power and authority and were radically transformed by His grace. May we, too, have courage to walk with Jesus authentically, unapologetic that we bear His name, and committed to show His love and mercy with radical grace. * * * * Prince of Peace Orlando is a Christ-centered, multicultural church inspired by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament to engage the community with God’s grace and love. Get to know more about Prince of Peace Orlando at To support this ministry and help us continue to be the heart, hands, and feet of Jesus in the heart of Orlando, click here: * * * * Stay Connected / Mantente conectado Website: Facebook:   / princeofpeaceorlando   Instagram:   / poporlando   Twitter:   / poporlando   * * * * CCLI License # 1284252 CCLI Streaming License # 20201471 One License # A-719380