FORTITUDE 9.8! Kaiju No. 8 Ep. 4 | Reaction Mashup | Byte
Episode 4: Fortitude 9.8. It's the turn of Kafka to save the girl who laughs of him, and watch his Kaiju form. Let's start!!This is my narration and reaction of episode 4. Computer: Video made by the owner of this channel. AMD Ryzen 3 3300U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx 2.10 GHz. 12.0GB. Enjoy the commented reaction of episode 4 of Kaiju No. 8. If you wanna support me to keep bringing this kind of videos, give me a like and sub. Francisca Souza. AmazonDrea. happiTAKI. ArigatoGeek. Choco Meri. Corallinep. elarsam15. HoyTeReacciono. Psiconerds. MdeM7. Casal Jounin. hitomikeiko. If you don't like I added your video here, you can send me a message to remove it. #kaiju #kaiju8 #kafka #reno #ichikawa #anime #newanime #animeseason #reaction #react #reacting #reactionmashup #reactionmashupanime #reaccion #reacción #manga FORTITUDE 9.8! Kaiju No. 8 Ep. 4 | Reaction Mashup | Byte kaiju 8,kaiju no 8,kaiju no 8 episode 4,kaiju no 8 ep 4,kaiju no 8 capitulo 4,kaiju no 8 episodio 4,fortitude 9.8,kafka,ichikawa,kaiju,reaction,react,reacting,reaction mashup,reacción,reaccion,episode 4,ep 4,episodio 4,capitulo 4,new anime,anime season,manga,anime,geek,japan,otaku,friki,kaiju no 8 reaction,kaiju 8 reaction,serie,series,nuevo anime,byte,FORTITUDE 9.8! Kaiju No. 8 Ep. 4 | Reaction Mashup | Byte