Brain Stroke होने पर ये लक्षण तुरंत दिखते है-Dr. Rahul Gupta | Brain Stroke के लक्षण | Brain Stroke

Brain Stroke होने पर ये लक्षण तुरंत दिखते है-Dr. Rahul Gupta | Brain Stroke के लक्षण | Brain Stroke

Please watch: "Heart Blockage के लक्षण: मरीज ने AIIMS के बजाय क्यों चुना डॉ. एस कुमार का इलाज? | सफलता की कहानी"    • Heart Blockage के लक्षण: मरीज ने AIIM...   -~- Brain Stroke होने पर ये लक्षण तुरंत दिखते है-Dr. Rahul Gupta #brain #braintreatment #video #brainstroke #brainstroketreamentvideo Symptoms of a brain stroke, also known as a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), include: Sudden weakness or numbness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body Sudden confusion, difficulty speaking, or trouble understanding speech Sudden vision loss in one or both eyes Sudden dizziness, loss of balance, or difficulty walking Sudden severe headache with no known cause The type of symptoms depends on the type of stroke and the part of the brain affected. When to call emergency services If you see any of these signs, call emergency medical help right away. Other stroke effects A stroke can cause lasting brain damage, long-term disability, or even death. How to recognize a stroke The National Stroke Association recommends using the acronym F.A.S.T. to remember the symptoms: F: Face A: Arms S: Speech T: Time Stroke causes A stroke can be caused by an ischemic (blockage) or hemorrhagic (bleeding) event. WEBSITE: ENQUIRY FOR ADVERTISEMENT: 09718181166 ---- 09599194422 Follow on FB-   / nationalkhabarr   EMAIL: [email protected] --- [email protected] FOLLOW ON TWITTER: @khabar_national brain stroke symptoms in hindi,