Disclosing that you have Herpes is always the right thing to do!
Asymptomatic shedding/viral shedding risks reduce the longer you live with herpes (because your body starts building immunity). There are many different things you can do that can prevent this viral shedding phase so you can prevent transmission to partners (I teach you about those things in my HEALING HERPES HOLISTICALLY GUIDE! LINK IN BIO), and have confident disclosure conversations with partners because I think it’s important! Informed consent is a real thing and most people would prefer to have the choice than not. I think disclosing also builds trust and respect with the right people, and this is important in any relationship! And just a reminder, just because you have herpes and sleep with someone, doesn’t mean you’re going to transmit it and vice versa! It’s important to be smart, safe, and self-aware about it. Have the conversation. Your partner will always appreciate it whether they’re okay with it or not. #herpes #herpesdisclosure #herpesawareness #hsv1 #hsv2 #herpestransmission #viralshedding #coldsore #coldsores #livingwithherpes #lifewithherpes #herpesdating #herpesadvocate #herpesinformation #herpessupport #herpessupportgroup #stiawareness #herpestesting #informedconsent #womenshealth #womenssexuality #womenswellness #sexualhealtheducation #sexualhealthawareness