Warren Buffett Reveals His Investment Strategy! Ep. 5

Warren Buffett Reveals His Investment Strategy! Ep. 5

In this Warren Buffett's investment strategy video, you will learn about Warren Buffett's 8 investment strategies/secrets that he revealed in his latest shareholder letter. You will learn how to invest like Warren Buffett, his performance track record vs the S&P 500, and how to find wonderful businesses at wonderful prices. 0:00 Intro 2:36 See stocks as pieces of businesses. 4:32 Invest in businesses with durable economic moats and trustworthy managers 7:15 Be business-pickers, not stock-pickers. 9:06 Buy wonderful businesses at wonderful prices. 10:55 Compound interest over time 13:36 Larger winners will offset the losers. 14:55 Ignore market forecasts. 15:54 Bet on America's economic tailwind 👏👏👏👏👏For those of you who want and can support our channel, here is how you can help:   / intelligentinvestorchannel   Remember to always do your research and do your extra due diligence first! #warrenbuffettinvestmentstrategy #warrenbuffett #berkshirehathawaystock #investing #warrenbuffettadvice #stockportfolio #stockmarket #howtoinvestinstocks Disclaimer: All content on this channel is for informational and entertainment purposes only. They should not be construed as professional financial advice. If you need such advice, please consult a licensed financial or tax advisor. You will also need to do your research. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of the information on this channel.