FANS REACT to Baby Yoda Saving Din and Bo-Katan by Using The Force - The Mandalorian 3x8

FANS REACT to Baby Yoda Saving Din and Bo-Katan by Using The Force - The Mandalorian 3x8

Fans reaction to Grogu saving Din and Bo-Katan by using The Force in The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 8 "The Return". As Axe crushes the the light cruiser into Moff Gideon's base Baby Yoda uses the Force to create a barrier to protect the two Mandalorians. Subscribe here: Featured reactions: The Normies -    / @thenormies   Late to the Party -    / @latetotheparty   Reel Rejects -    / @reelrejects   LouiseJulie -    / @louisejulie_   Mary Cherry -    / @marycherryofficial   Nerdy Nightly -    / @nerdynightly   CinePals -    / @cinepals   Blind Wave -    / @blindwave   pReview'd -    / @previewd   StruggleNation -    / @strugglenation   Alyska -    / @alyska   Heroes Reforged -    / @heroesreforged   The Movie Couple -    / @themoviecouple   sesskasays -    / @sesskasays   Omn1Media - Addie Counts -    / @addiecounts   Nikki & Steven React -    / @nikkistevenreact   Dos Cavazos -    / @doscavazos