The Shortbread Cookie Recipe For Coffee & Tea in minutes ! by flavorful bites with diya

The Shortbread Cookie Recipe For Coffee & Tea in minutes ! by flavorful bites with diya

The Best Shortbread Cookie Recipe! Perfect with Coffee or Tea in Minutes! Baking Hello, friends! Today I’ve prepared something special — the best shortbread cookie recipe that goes perfectly with both coffee and tea! ☕🍪 These delicious and beautiful cookies can be made in just a few minutes, and I’m excited to share all the secrets of making them with you. Ingredients: Flour +/- 320 grams Powdered sugar - 150 grams Butter - 170 grams Vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp Egg - 1 pcs Baking powder - 1 tsp Vanilla Salt - a pinch Red food color 1/2 tsp Cocoa - 1 tbsp Bake at 180°C (356°F) for 14-16 minutes. Baking time and temperature may vary depending on your oven. Air fryer temperature 180° time 12 minutes Flavorful bites with diya Shortbread cookies Butter cookies Scottish shortbread Easy cookie recipe Bakery Style Pattern Biscuit Recipe / air fryer and Oven🔥 Easy Biscuit Recipe In 10 Minutes Marble cookies , chocolate vanilla cookies , chocolate cookies , vanilla cookies , marble cookies in kadai , Bina maida cookies in kadai , att marble cookies , how to make cookies , biscuits , chocolate biscuits , chocolate vanilla cookies in kadai , homemade cookies , homemade chocolate cookies , vanilla cookies , chocolate and vanilla pinwheel cookies , biscuits raise banter hain , pinwheel cookies , bakery style cookies , eggless cookies , eggless biscuits, atta biscuits , atta cookies , bakery style eggless biscuits recipe , bakery biscuits , biscuits recipe in Hindi , biscuit banane ki Vidhi , cookies recipe in Hindi , eggless biscuits without oven , Bina anda , Bina oven biscuits kaise banayein , बिस्किट्स घर पर कैसे बनाएं , बिस्कुट बनाने की विधि Chocolate Biscuits , Vanilla biscuits , Marble biscuits , Almond cookies , nankhatai , Suji biscuits , Iyengar bakery style cookies , eggless biscuits in kadai Shaam Ki Chai Ko Banayen Khaas Is Bakery Style Khasta Crunchy Biscuits Ke Saath Only 3 Ingredients Recipe By Cook with Adeel | Bakery Style Biscuit | evening snacks | evening breakfast idea's | teatime Biscuits | maida Biscuits | 10 mins recipe | 3 Ingredients Biscuits Recipe | Bakery Biscuits Recipe by cook with adeel | adeel shaukat recipes | atta biscuits | Tawa biscuits | biscuits without oven | without oven biscuits recipes | soft cake recipe without oven | how to make biscuits | homemade biscuits | bakery style biscuits recipe | pakistani bakery biscuits recipe , pattern biscuits recipe, zebra biscuits recipe, Christmas cookies #bakerystylebiscuits #khastacrunchybiscuits #10minsrecipe #3ingredientrecipes #teatimebiscuits #eveningsnacks #eveningbreakfastidea #teaparty #teapartyspecialbiscuits #maidabiscuit #attabiscuits #patternbiscuits #flavorfulbiteswithdiyazebrabiscuits #howtomake #biscuitswithoutoven #egglessbiscuits #biscuits #biscuits #recipesbysidrawaqar #biscuitrecipewithoutoven #foryou #treding #withoutoven #eggless #recipesbysidrawaqar #christmas #christmascookies #foryouシ #trendingrecipe #foryou #biscuitrecipes #viralrecipe