Zombie Army 4 Dead War II Rotten Coast II Mission 5 II Chapter 1 II
#PcGaming #game #genoa #rottencoast #pcgaming #zombiearmy4 #zombiearmy4deadwar Time Code- 00:00 -Intro 01:00 -Travel To The Resistance Compound 02:05 -Find The Explosive 04:07 -Set The Soaked Explosive 04:38 -Use The Detonator To Clear The Way 05:53 -Defend The Detonator 06:57 -Head The Resistance Compound 11:38 -Get Direction To The Radio Tower 12:24 -Get Ready For The Oncoming Horde 13:25 -Defend The Compound 19:09 -Get The Safe Room My Facebook id - www.facebook.com/hirak.sikdar/ My Instagram id- www.instagram.com/hirak.sikder/