SILENT HILL 2 REMAKE | Platinum Walkthrough | Part 3: Blue Creek Apartments | No Commentary

SILENT HILL 2 REMAKE | Platinum Walkthrough | Part 3: Blue Creek Apartments | No Commentary

Silent Hill 2 Remake - Full Game Walkthrough (All Trophies/Achievements & All Collectibles) This Silent Hill 2 Remake walkthrough will help you unlock all trophies and achievements in a 100% completion run. • First playthrough: Focused on getting the Maria Ending • 8 endings total: 3 on the first playthrough, 5 in New Game+ • All collectibles included: Glimpse of the Past, Strange Photos, Memos • Perfect for trophy hunters & achievement seekers Experience the survival horror classic with stunning visuals! #SilentHill2Remake #FullWalkthrough #AllTrophies #Achievements #MariaEnding #AllCollectibles #SurvivalHorror Playing on standard difficulty and standard puzzle difficulty but will show pop up text for puzzles for each difficulty.