Christmas Novena (Misa de Gallo) – Fourth Day | December 19, 2024 | 4:30 AM Mass

Christmas Novena (Misa de Gallo) – Fourth Day | December 19, 2024 | 4:30 AM Mass

[LIVE] Christmas Novena (Misa de Gallo) – Fourth Day | December 19, 2024 | 4:30 AM Mass Putting Our Trust in God On this fourth day of our Novena we are reminded that, occasionally, God challenges people to trust Him even when He plans to do “impossible things.” The episode of the disbelief of Zechariah warns us that those who doubt God’s word will be left to witness, ashamed and speechless, the fulfillment of the divine plan. On the other hand, those who accept God’s plan in full trust and are ready to cooperate become His partners and instruments of His love and power. Today’s liturgy challenges us to choose between being spectators of God’s wonders or His enthusiastic collaborators along the highway of salvation history. In today’s liturgy, we are also invited to reflect on and pray for the elderly and the childless “titas” in our families. Their happiness depends so much on how we treat them. To support the evangelization, please Subscribe to our YouTube Channels: Couples for Christ Negros Oriental:    / @couplesforchristnegrosorie2213   padrejunlemz:    / @padrejunlemz   You may also send your love offering through: Metrobank - Dumaguete Real Branch Account Name: Roman Catholic Bishop of Dumaguete Account Number: 443-7443-90970-9 | Swift Code: MBTCPHMM GCash Transaction — 09174317088 Please send a copy of the deposit slip or transaction to [email protected] for your official receipt. Any material used for this post is for religious purposes only and is not intended to infringe over any copyright. #SaintJosepthTheWorkerParish #CommissionOnSocialCommunications #padrejunlemz #CFCNegrosOriental #DioceseofDumaguete #GiftedtoGive #500YOC #MissioAdGentes