Is laparoscopic hernia surgery painful? - Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh
Get to know your specialist personally / @doctorscircle-knowyourdoctor World's Largest Video Heath Platform is now in Hindi Subscribe to - / @doctorscirclehindi for HINDI videos Laparoscopic hernia surgery does have some pain but compared to the open surgery, the pain is minimum because in the open surgery, we put the mesh on the top and there will be pain. The pain will be very severe and the patient will be totally immobilized , for atleast 2 to 3 days, whereas in laparoscopic hernia surgery, the patient can be mobilized faster, the pain is mild stiffens in the area of operation. Other than that, there won’t be much of discomfort and patient is most comfortable post surgery if they are very positive about the post surgical recovery.