Virtual Sunday Mass - St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Derwood, Md.
Mass for March 20, 2022, the Third Sunday of Lent, celebrated by Fr. John Dillon, pastor, and assisted by Deacon Will Garcia. Consider making a one-time offering to St. Francis of Assisi Church by visiting: https://membership.faithdirect.net/MD.... The next installment of our Parish Lenten Mission Series is March 25 at 7:45 p.m. in the church. Recording of previous sessions from this series below: "Proclaiming the Primacy of Christ in Our World Today" : • Lenten Parish Mission - Proclaiming t... To schedule a photography portrait for the parishioner directory, visit www.sfadw.org. To donate and learn more about the 2022 Annual Appeal, visit appeal.adw.org.