Clinton Alliance Church - March 9, 2025
Clinton Alliance Church 1192 Centre Road Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845-266-5178 https://www.clintonalliance.church/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday Worship Service - 10am Coffee/Afternoon Fellowship - 11am+ The Sunday Night Gathering - 6:30pm ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Worship: Rejoice the Lord is King - 0:46 Hosanna! - 6:08 Heaven Came Down - 10:03 There's Room at the Cross for You - 21:53 Congregational Prayer: 14:10 Message: Pastor Keith Mackey - 27:19 CCLI license 646157 Christian Missionary Alliance, CMA, live, worship, service, prayer, scripture, sermon, Jesus, salvation, grace, music, songs, singing, prayer, Keith Mackey, Pastor Mackey, Len Nelson, Bill Kopp, Paul Leitem, Alliance Worship Band, AWB, Dutchess County, Town of Clinton, Clinton Corners, Hyde Park, Pine Plains, Standfordville, upstate