CRAZY POOLS and ANiMALS in MEXiCO!! Family Vacation visiting Cancun with Mom Adley Niko Navey & Mom
we found a REAL IGUANA inside the pool 🦎 JOIN OUR FAM!! --- http://goo.gl/rfgp8V Best Mexico Day Ever 1380 Good morning from Mexico! The kids are still sleeping after a long travel day... just kidding! Adley and Niko jumped out of bed with their swimsuits already on ready to go jump in the pool. Everyone is excited to have a Best Day Ever in Mexico but first, we need to go grad breakfast. This place is beautiful, all the green trees and cool leafs, and we say a parakeet on the way to breakfast. At breakfast Niko ate tons of watermelon, his favorite. Adley had a yummy omelet and Navey ate orange juice with a spoon. While we were eating we got to see a ginormous hawk! It was so cool. Then right outside the restaurant we saw some iguanas racing, and we saw turtles. The kids were loving seeing all these cool animals so close up. On the way to the pool we found even more animals, we saw some huge iguanas on the walkway. Niko and Adley were brave and even touched their tales. Niko was so excited to see the alligators and the flamingos as well. There were so many cool animals that we don't ever get to see normally in Utah, so we were all pretty stoked. The pools were crazy!! Adley was so excited to go jump in so she took the water vloggy and jumped right in. We played in the water for hours, we played baby otters, rodeo, Niko and Navey jumped off the ledge and Adley even did a front flip. We also went and played in the big fountains, and did the lazy river and found more iguanas. Niko got some awesome shots on the water vloggy of all the cool animals. We headed back to the room to get ready to go to the show. We took some family pics and found some sick fingerboard spots on the way over there. Niko landed some wild tricks! We found our seats and enjoyed the show, it was pretty cool. Lots of crazy tricks and stunts and mermaids and jellyfish. Navey got to eat some yummy popcorn too. It was a great first day of Mexico and we are stoked for you to see what we do tomorrow! \\\\ Watch Adley's last video: (CRAZY CHEF cooking on ADLEY TV!! shows like Hair Salon and Cat Detective made with real A for Adleys -- • CRAZY CHEF cooking on ADLEY TV!! show... ) Watch yesterday's Best Day Ever: (WiGGLE TOOTH TRAVEL DAY!! Family Trip visiting Mexico! Adley Niko and Navey's crazy airport morning -- • WiGGLE TOOTH TRAVEL DAY!! Family Tri... ) //// snag some sweet Spacestation merch --- https://shopspacestation.com/ Find me on any social media @Shonduras!! Don't forget to get Adley's free apps: UNICORN CATCH Apple -- https://apps.apple.com/us/app/unicorn... Google Play Store -- https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... ADLEY'S PLAYSPACE Apple -- https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adleys-... Google Play Store -- https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Best Music Ever: http://share.epidemicsound.com/tPjTh FUN WITH ADLEY: AforAdley.com / @aforadley DAD'S SPACESTATION: https://shonduras.com https://spacestation.com https://spacestationgaming.com https://spacestationintegrations.com https://remarketingspace.com/ FAMILY INSTAGRAMS: / shonduras / jennymcbride / adleymcbride / nikobearmcbride / naveymcbride highfive (leave a highfive in the comments if you read this far)