Day 50 on Nofap: THE FLATLINE

Day 50 on Nofap: THE FLATLINE

Day 50 on Nofap and I hit the flatline. Low motivation and libido. I even thought of quitting my nofap progress! But how do you get out of the flatline when you're on nofap/semen retention? Watch until the end to find out Subscribe to start changing your life. How I Tricked My Brain To Like Doing Hard Things:    • How I TRICKED My Brain To Like Doing ...   Follow me on: Instagram:   / albertthedy   TikTok:   / albertthedy   Go easy on life, then life will be hard. Go hard on life, then life will be easy. Find comfort in discomfort. -Albert. #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #nofap ⏳TIMESTAMPS⏳