asthma symptoms | दमा का इलाज | breathlessness homeopathic medicine | aspidosperma Q | blatta Q uses

asthma symptoms | दमा का इलाज | breathlessness homeopathic medicine | aspidosperma Q | blatta Q uses

🔹 • Hello friends today video about…. asthmatic problem their symptoms and effective homeopathic medicine for breatlessness. =================================== 🔹 Buy Medicines Links :- 1). blatta q - 2). aspidosperma q - =================================== 🔷 Fill the Form & GET PRESCRIPTION =================================== 🔹 social media link - My instagram -   / dr_anjali_homeopathy   =================================== 🔹 our more playlist links - 1) disease with their homeopathy medicine -    • disease with their homeopathy medicine   2) healthy hairs - hairfall | hair regrowth, dandruff---    • healthy hairs — hairfall , hair regro...   3). face glow , pimples , fairness---    • face glow , pimples , fairness   4) digetion and stomach problems -    • digetion , stomach, stomach   6). liver -    • liver   7). female problems --    • liver   8). cough lungs--    • lungs  ,cough   9) rectum anal problems-    • rectum ,anus problem   10) skin problem,skin disease--    • skin problems ,skin care   11) immunity,strength increase medicine-    • imunity ,strength increase medicine   12)..MALE problems -    • male related problems   _______________________________________ 🔹 about this video. 1) breathlessness homeopathic medicine 2) blatta orientalis q uses in hindi 3) aspidosperma q homeopathic medicine uses 4) asthma treatment #dranjalihomeopathy #homeopathicmedicine #blatta #asthma #asthmatreatment _______________________________________ ▪️For collaboration & promotions : •Email -- [email protected] ________________________________________ ▪️ Disclaimer - Any Information on diseases and treatment available at this channel is intended for general guidance only. this vedio is only for information and educational purposes only. our channel should not be responsible for any incidental , direct or indirect damages or Consequences. by use of any content available on this channel. Advice viewers to consult a medical professional , physician, doctors Or health care provider If they are seeking medical advice, Diagnosis or treatment. before taking this medicine which is suggest in video or in comment box make sure to advise to your nearest doctors or physician first. thanks.. asthma symptoms | दमा का इलाज | breathlessness homeopathic medicine | aspidosperma Q | blatta Q uses