Easy Origami Fortune Teller / Chatterbox / Cootie Catcher 😍😁🙌 #origami #diy #fun #papercraft #easy

Easy Origami Fortune Teller / Chatterbox / Cootie Catcher 😍😁🙌 #origami #diy #fun #papercraft #easy

Paper Chatterbox or Fortune Teller /Cootie Catcher Paper Size: 20X20cm Paper Color : light Yellow Other Items: Scissors, Pen Watch How to Play at 1:40 Make your own Chatterbox. Fun activity with friends and family. Good for also giving dare, challenges and knowing your fortune. 😜 Hope you enjoyed watching it and if you tried, do comment below. Also, don't forget to subscribe! :) Song: Summer Martin - Summer Lovers Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music Video Link: https://bit.ly/3R4V3a9 #origami #diy #fun #papercraft #easycraft #paperart #papercraft #origamitutorial #origamicraftwithpaper #fortunetelling #fortuneteller #cootiecatcher #chatterbox #origamiforbeginners #origamiinstructions #origamipaper #origamipaperplanes #origamieasy #papercrafting #kidscraft #kidsart #childhoodmemories #youtube #youtubevideos #funcraft #simplecraft #diyideas #diyfun #friends #funactivities