15 MIN SEXY CURVES WORKOUT (Abs + Booty) | Get A Small Waist & Round Booty
15 MIN SEXY CURVES WORKOUT (Abs + Booty) | Get A Small Waist & Round Booty Looking to get a small waist and round booty? Check out this sexy 15-minute workout! This workout is designed to help you tone your abs and butt, and it's perfect for anyone looking to get a quick and easy body transformation. If you're looking for a quick and easy workout that will help you tone your abs and butt, then this workout is for you! It only takes 15 minutes, and you'll see results fast! So why wait? Get started today! 15 MIN SEXY CURVES WORKOUT (Abs + Booty) | Get A Small Waist & A Round Booty | Eylem Abaci 10 MIN. TINY WAIST WORKOUT - lose muffin top & love handles / No Equipment | Mary Braun Timestamps: 0:00 - Introduction 1:20 - Warm-Up 3:00 - Abs Circuit 6:00 - Booty Blasting Moves 8:30 - Combination Moves 11:00 - Cool Down and Stretch 13:00 - Conclusion #SexyCurvesWorkout #AbsAndBooty #SmallerWaist #RoundBooty #FitnessJourney #WorkoutRoutine #WarmUp #AbsCircuit #BootyBlasting #CombinationMoves