CUMMINS KILLER BOLT STRUCK AGAIN!!!!! Intake Grid Heater Removal and Modification
In this video I will give you an overview on how to remove your EGR and Intake Horn so that you can get to the Intake Plenum and stock intake grid heater. These Cummins Deisel engines have been known for this failure from the factory since the 24V Cummins was introduced but when they upgraded to the 6.7 block, they increased the size of the grid heater making it more of a common issue. I was throwing a P2609 Intake Air Heater System Performance code, so I decided to do my research which is when I learned of this issue from the factory. I decided to buy a Glacier Deisel Power Mega-Flo S-2 with the TVM Grid Heater. I also bought a Billet Aluminum Intake Plenum from EBAY. After ordering the parts and receiving them I got my worktable together and tools and made sure that the surface was clean. Anytime you deal with fuel systems you want it to be clean and immaculate. Like I said in the video a small tool set is more than efficient. 10mm socket ratchets and extensions and 19mm open end wrench. 1. Remove connections to batteries. 2. Remove EGR Valve and Recirculation Tube. 3. Remove Band Clamp and Turbo piping from the Intake Horn. 4. Remove 6 10mm bolts from the Intake Horn. 5. Unplug the ECM Plug above common Rail on the Firewall and move aside. 6. Unplug ECM Block plugs located on the side of the CCV Filter Cover. 7. Unplug CCV and EGR plugs on Left side of CCV Filter and move out of way. 8. Start at cylinder 1 and remove each of the injector fuel lines until you have removed number 5 line. 9. Remove lines from CP3 to the Common rail, Take Pictures frequently so that you can remember where everything goes back when you are done. 10. Losen #6 injector lines. 11. Remove the Absolute Pressure Sensor plug. 12. Remove the Intake grid Heater nut and cord. 13. Remove bolts that attach the plenum to the block. Slide Common Rail carefully to the side and slide plenum out carefully. 14. Vacuum the intake and clean everything up nice. 15. Install New Gaskets and New Plenum. Reinstall everything in order that it was removed. 16. I'm done with this frickin description so if you need any other info leave a comment and I'll get back to you fast.