[Maplestory / MapleSEA] Shadower (섀도어) Mu Lung Dojo Floor 70

[Maplestory / MapleSEA] Shadower (섀도어) Mu Lung Dojo Floor 70

No event buffs! Glad to have been able to achieve this goal without any artificial boosts! Thank you for support, toxicity, nonsense and laughs I messed up a bit here and there but here it is in all of Shadower's glory! Finally hit floor 70 without cheesing with event buffs / double event buffs! And with many half done equipments :') bellariel Chak Dorafarm Faelyn hellopulis HongFeiMao ImFredxy Kyumiyu Nice PandaKiddie pandanchicke Rackey RedFatCat Sally Samurai xBubbleBonee Yukieee "A clear is a clear " (VoxBoxFox, 2021) RIP