The Third Sunday after Epiphany - Solemn High Mass (Sunday 26 January, 10.30am)
The Third Sunday after Epiphany - Solemn High Mass (Sunday 26 January, 10.30am) - Preacher: Fr Ryan Austin-Eames The New English Hymnal Hymn 1: Hymn 2: Hymn 3: Setting: Motet: First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel: Postlude: - To download a service sheet, please go to: https://ccsl.org.au/service-sheet To support the ministry of CCSL, please go to: https://ccsl.org.au/support#donations... Report any livestream technical difficulties by texting +61 400 550 088 or emailing [email protected] - Subscribe to CCSL / @christchurchstlaurence Follow CCSL on Instagram / christchurchstlaurence Follow CCSL on Facebook / christchurchstlaurence -