"White Men Can't Jump" Movie Review | The BlackBusters Podcast Ep.29 @biggjah @GWaynetv
Subscribe to The BlackBusters Podcast: https://bit.ly/blackbusters_revolt This weeks special guest: @GWaynetv White Men Can't Jump is a 1992 American sports comedy film written and directed by Ron Shelton. It stars Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson as streetball hustlers. The film was released in the United States on March 27, 1992, by 20th Century Fox. Billy Hoyle (Woody Harrelson) is a white basketball hustler who banks on black players underestimating his skills on the court. When he pulls one over on Sidney Deane (Wesley Snipes), his victim sees a lucrative opportunity, and they become partners in the con game, plying their trade across the courts of Los Angeles. Meanwhile, Billy has to keep one step ahead of mobsters, to whom he owes money, while staying on the good side of his "Jeopardy!"-obsessed, motormouth wife (Rosie Perez). BlackBusters is a podcast focused on reviewing, celebrating, re-living and critiquing Black film. From the movies we all know and love to those hidden gems, there is no movie too big or small to be praised or roasted. Join our hosts Director/Comedian/Actor @biggjah and movie/podcast connoisseur Tony Price as they explore the legacy, impact and influence of Black cinema. @revolt Podcast Network SOCIALS: BlackBusters IG: / blackbusters.co Bigg Jah IG: / biggjah TikTok: / biggjah Facebook: / biggjahthesav Tony Price IG: / multitoned Facebook: / multitoned Twitter: / multitoned #blackfilms #biggjah #multitoned #blackbusters #moviereview #moviereviews #blackcinema #2damax #revolttv #revoltpodcast