Sunday, July 18, 2021 8:30 a.m. Worship - Our Savior's Lutheran Church-Beloit, WI

Sunday, July 18, 2021 8:30 a.m. Worship - Our Savior's Lutheran Church-Beloit, WI

Our Savior's Lutheran Church (ELCA) - Beloit, WI Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday, July 18, 2021 Pastor Jason Poole-Xiong Accompanist: Ronald Weber Vocalist: Rebecca Wallendal Recorded for noncommercial, nonprofit use in a church worship service by Our Savior’s Lutheran Church-ELCA, Beloit, Wis. 7/18/2021. OneLicense #: A-703661 and CCLI License #: 2679134 (Reprint and Podcast/Streaming). Acknowledgements: ELW = Evangelical Lutheran Worship (hymnal) © 2006 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Published by Augsburg Fortress. Content used by permission from Augsburg Fortress or other copyright holders as noted in these acknowledgments. Liturgical texts, music, hymns, and graphics from Copyright © 2020 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Annual License #: 1-3465-L. Scriptural passages from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Hymn: “Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us” ELW 789. Text: Dorothy A. Thrupp, music: BRADBURY, William B. Bradbury. Public domain. Kyrie: ELW Setting 8, st. 1,4. ©2006 Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission of Augsburg Liturgies License #SAS00278. Song of Praise: “Yours Lord, Is the Glory” ELW 849: 1,4. Text: traditional, tr. Gerhard Cartford ©1998 Augsburg Fortress. Music: traditional, arr. ©2006 Augsburg Fortress. Gospel Acclamation: “Alleluia” ELW Setting 8, ©2006 Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission of Augsburg Liturgies License #SAS00278. Hymn of the Day: “O Christ, the Healer, We Have Come” ELW 610. Music: TALLIS’ CANON, Thomas Tallis, public domain. Text: Fred Pratt Green ©1969 Hope Publishing Co., used by permission of OneLicense #A-703661. “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord: ELW Setting 8, ©2006 Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission of Augsburg Liturgies License #SAS00278. Hymn: “Praise the Lord, Rise Up Rejoicing” ELW 544. Music: ALLES IS AN GOTTES SEGEN, Johann Lohner, public domain. Text: Howard C.A. Gaunt ©Oxford University Press, used by permission of OneLicense #A-703661.