📌 സീമാതീതമായ വിശ്വാസസ്വീകരണം 📌 “4TH SUNDAY BEFORE EASTER / 3RD SUNDAY IN LENT" 📌
⛪ CSI MALAYALAM CONGREGATION OF GREATER NEW YORK, SEAFORD, NY ⛪ ♰ ✝️ ♰ 🕊 M A L A Y A L A M H O L Y E U C H A R I S T S E R V I C E 🕊 ♰ ✝️ ♰ 👨🏻🏫 VICAR / PRESBYTER-IN-CHARGE: THE REV. GIBIN THAMPY 📅 DATE / TIME: MARCH 23RD, 2025 | 11:00 AM 💡🌞🙏📌 “4TH SUNDAY BEFORE EASTER / 3RD SUNDAY IN LENT" 📌🙏🌞💡 💡🌞🙏📌 “ACKNOWLEDGING FAITH BEYOND BOUNDARIES" 📌🙏🌞💡 💡🌞🙏📌 “സീമാതീതമായ വിശ്വാസസ്വീകരണം" 📌🙏🌞💡 📕 Collect: Merciful God, we thank you that you have created the entire cosmos, and you are ever so gracious to all that you have made. Help us to understand your abiding love in the lives of all people so that we may affirm the dignity of life, through the love of Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God world without end. Amen. ✝️ Scripture Readings: 📖 OLD TESTAMENT: ISAIAH 44:28 - 45:8 | PSALM 125 | EPISTLE: ACTS 10:24 – 33 📖 🕊️✝📖 GOSPEL: MATTHEW 15:21 – 28 🕊️✝📖 🕀🙏🏻 Verse for meditation: Peter, after a vision and encounter with Cornelius, declares, "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right." – Acts 10:34 (NIV) 🕀 🙏🏻