DIE WITH A SMILE  - LADY GAGA, BRUNO MARS Karaoke Videoke Original Key, Original Style

DIE WITH A SMILE - LADY GAGA, BRUNO MARS Karaoke Videoke Original Key, Original Style

Die With A Smile karaoke version of Singers King Karaoke @SingersKingKaraokehas been prepared with lyrics with separate font colors used for male, female, and duet lines so that duet singing will be organized, same with the singing style of Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars. Die With A Smile was immediately a favorite song to sing, sung by two favorite singers, Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars. After this song was released and I watched it on Lady Gaga's channel @LadyGaga, I kept on singing it and was inspired to make a karaoke version of it. This karaoke version is based on the Original Key of Die With A Smile by Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars. Filipinos, here's a new song to follow from a Filipino-American Singer Bruno Mars.   Please support my channel by liking and subscribing. Leave a comment with your favorite music or songs to be sung so I can make a karaoke version. Thank you. #DIE WITH A SMILE #DieWithASmile #ladygaga #brunomars #Pop Rock #Slow Rock #Trending Songs #Trending Music #Karaoke #Videoke #Filipino #Philippines #rock #Alternative Rock #Indie Rock #soul #acoustic #romantic #lovesong #lovemusic #karaokesongs