Day 6 - Overcoming fear of Rejection     #fear #fearless #rejection #dontselfreject #selfacceptance

Day 6 - Overcoming fear of Rejection #fear #fearless #rejection #dontselfreject #selfacceptance

Welcome to the series of 30 days challenge on overcoming fears and build confidence! This is day 6 video where we explore more the fear of Rejection and how you can befriend it. Treat it as if you are in the zoom call with me and learning together! Resources mentioned in the session: 1. Free Journal download: 2. Join the VIP FB group: Do share your insights and progress in the comments. Hi I am Gaurvi Jadhav, a power journaling coach. And am committed to get you results of moving past fears and taking the right action in life through this challenge! I am on a mission to help 100,000 people achieve personal mastery using Power Journaling! Follow me on other social media platforms: Instagram:   / .  . FB page:   / gauraviinspires   LinkedIn:   / gauravijadhav