Vespers - Evening Prayer, 08-13-2024, Tuesday, Nineteenth Week of Ordinary Time
The setting sun now dies away, And darkness comes at close of day; Your brightest beams, dear Lord, impart, And let them shine within our heart. We praise your name with joy this night: Please watch and guide us till the light; Joining the music of the blest, O Lord, we sing ourselves to rest. To God the Father, God the Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in One, Trinity blest, whom we adore, Be praise and glory evermore. Sacred Beauty common prayer: Sacred Beauty is an Approved Private Association of the Faithful in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport, devoted to allowing the beauty and holiness of God to be made present in the world, first through Eucharistic contemplation, then through artistic and intellectual creativity and receptivity informed by and dedicated to Jesus in the Eucharist. We pray the Office of Readings and Evening Prayer daily on YouTube; click “open transcript” to pray with us. With gratitude to the administration of St. John XXIII Parish, West Haven, CT, for permitting us to record our prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in their beautiful church of St. John Vianney.