Why 8 hours Initial charging is needed for battery devices?_Tamil, Charging a new phone for 8 hours
When you purchase new mobile, Store keeper will tell you to charge it for 8 hours before use.. Do you know why it is necessary? This video will explain this deeply.. SUBSCRIBE to ENGINEERING FACTS. / engineeringfacts How to service AC on your own?_Tamil • How to service AC on your own?_Tamil,... How optical mouse works?_ Tamil • How optical mouse works?_ Tamil, How ... Why phone does not have a sharp corner?_ Tamil • Why phone does not have a sharp corne... Why Mobile battery has more than two terminals?_Tamil • Why Mobile battery has more than two ... Why Center Stand is needed to start a Scooter?_ Tamil • Why Center Stand is needed to start a... Does BLUE LENS protect our eyes?_Tamil • Does BLUE LENS protect our eyes?_Tami... How to use three phase selector switch?_ Tamil • How to use three phase selector switc... Does higher mAh, give more backup?_ Tamil, How to calculate battery backup time? • Does higher mAh, give more backup?_ T... What is AC & DC?_ Tamil, Why two currents? • What is AC & DC?_ Tamil, Why two curr... My first attempt to repair mobile_ Tamil • My first attempt to repair mobile_ Ta... How to set alarm for water overflow?_ Tamil • How to set alarm for water overflow?_... How pullback toy car works?_Tamil • How pullback toy car works?_Tamil, Pu... How liquid vaporizer works? How mosquito repellent works?_ Tamil • How liquid vaporizer works? How mosqu... Can we use all type of charger for one mobile_ Tamil • Can we use all type of charger for on... Why headphones required to turn on Radio in mobile _Tamil • Why headphones required to turn on Ra... Can we use all type of charger for one mobile_ Tamil • Can we use all type of charger for on... What is Earthing? Why Earth leakage happens? _Tamil • What is Earthing? Why Earth leakage h... Why colour coding given on the toothpaste?_Tamil • Why colour coding given on the toothp... Wifi Smart switch (Sonoff) review_Tamil • Wifi Smart switch (Sonoff) review_Tam... How, hitting a remote helps it to work again?_Tamil • How, hitting a remote helps it to wor... Charging mobile while Gaming /Speaking /Using Mobile _Tamil • Charging mobile while Gaming /Speakin... How many Units, only Stabilizer will consume?_ Tamil • How many Units, only Stabilizer will ... Can Lightning affect our appliances?_Tamil • Can Lightning affect our appliances?_... What is single Phase and Three Phase?_ Tamil, How three phase & Single Phase works? • What is single Phase and Three Phase?... Higher ELECTRICITY BILL during lock down_ Tamil, What is the real reason? • Higher ELECTRICITY BILL during lock d... How Induction motor works?_ Tamil, Why Capacitor used in ceiling fan? • How Induction motor works?_ Tamil, Wh... How to know your electricity bill earlier?_Tamil • How to know your electricity bill ear... Why battery BULGING? Why battery blasts? _Tamil • Why battery BULGING? Why battery blas... "Leaving charger in ON condition" What will happen?_ Tamil • "Leaving charger in ON condition" Wha... How electric shock affects human body?_Tamil • How electric shock affects human body... How much voltage gas lighter can produce?_ Tamil, How gas lighter works? • How much voltage gas lighter can prod... How wind mill works?_ Tamil, Is wind mill running by the wind? • How wind mill works?_ Tamil, Is wind ... Overnight charging, good or bad?_Tamil. Is charging your mobile all night, good? • Overnight charging, good or bad?_Tami... How to 'start' a bike after a long interval?_ Tamil, Why bike not starting after long day interval? • How to 'start' a bike after a long in... How to repair TUBE LIGHT Electronic ballast choke?_Tamil, Repairing process of Electronic choke. • How to repair TUBE LIGHT Electronic b... Next video about Why storage device shows low space than mentioned size?_Tamil, Why sdcard/pendrive showing low? • Why storage device shows low space th... Next video about Why AC capacity called in TONS?_Tamil, What is TON? How TON defined in AC? • Why AC capacity called in TONS?_Tamil... Next video about How to repair LED Bulb _Tamil, How to repair the LED Bulb failure at home? • How to repair LED Bulb _Tamil, How to... Please leave a comment about my Video / channel / said information. Even negative comments and dislikes are most welcome, which will help to improve my channel. Share this video with your friends. About Engineering Facts, This channel is created to make our people strong in science & Engineering to manage the future technologies intellectually. And to the students, who are going to grow knowledge for their careers. Contact Info: [email protected] FB/Engineeringfacts Instagram https://www.instagram.com/syedimran.e... #Engineeringfacts #Engineeringfactstamil