Scream 3 - A Weak But Thrilling Entry in the Franchise | REVIEW

Scream 3 - A Weak But Thrilling Entry in the Franchise | REVIEW

Leading up to Scream 6, I am reviewing every Scream film! This is my official Scream 3 movie review! SHARE your review and reaction of Scream 3 down below! What did you think of the reveals within the film? The last instalment in the `Scream' trilogy is set in Hollywood, where `Stab 3' is being shot, with Gale Weathers and Dwight Riley on set as advisors to Jennifer Jolie. Unfortunately, a killer decides to off the cast in the order of the screenplay and only `Sid' Prescott, now in hiding until the killer tracks her down, can solve the riddle. Be sure to hit that subscribe button and notification bell to be notified when I upload new movie review and ranking videos! And SMASH that thumbs up button! Follow me on Letterboxd WATCH NEXT All 22 Studio Ghibli Movies Ranked:    • All 22 Studio Ghibli Anime Movies Ran...   SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS! Check out my written reviews on Hotchka Follow me on Facebook:   / justinwatchesmovies   Follow me on Instagram @JustinWatchesMovies Follow me on Twitter @JWatchesMovies All 23 Red Power Rangers Ranked Worst to Best    • All 23 Red Power Rangers Ranked Worst...