The Outskirts | The Last of Us Part 1 Grounded Playthrough

The Outskirts | The Last of Us Part 1 Grounded Playthrough

Part 3 of my grounded playthrough of the Last of Us Part 1 Overall I think this is the most forgettable part of the game . I'm not saying I don't like it . It's just not the part that sticks out when I think about this game . I always forget that Tess is in the game this late . Heads up . This footage is from a stream I did . It was my first one ever and as a result there were some mistakes . One you probably are going to notice is that the audio is kind of messed up . In areas with a lot of noise it can be very hard to hear me talking . I am very bummed out about that but I learned from my mistake and the audio is much better in the later chapters . Also if I am just speaking and it seems out of place I was probably just trying to talk to someone in chat . *I had such a fun time using the photo mode that at the end of the video I included some alternate thumbnails I took . Thank you for watching 🕺