5 Biggest Animals You Won't BelieveActually Exist! #series1
Title: 5 Biggest Animals You Won’t Believe Actually Exist! Description: Explore the fascinating world of the largest creatures on Earth that will leave you in awe! From the deep oceans to vast landmasses, these animals defy expectations and prove that the natural world still holds unbelievable wonders. Get ready to meet some of the most massive, yet real, animals that will challenge everything you thought you knew about nature’s giants! 5 biggest animals you won't believe actually exist from massive creatures that look photoshopped to large animals that are beyond your imagination recount 10 giant animals you won't believe exist number 5 giant gippsland earthworms are quite grotty when you look at them closely but when you bump into this breed it will be difficult to get any closer if you're squeamish about these sorts of crawlers the average earthworm is about a meter in length but these ones can grow 3 times longer and be about three inches in diameter they can easily be confused for an adult snake you won't come across these creepy crawlers often though they only exist deep in the wild around sumaco volcano thought that snake-like worms were creepy wait until you find out what lies deep in the seas stay tuned number 4 giant freshwater stingrays are dangerous enough but when you bump into one of them that's more than four meters long and weighs half a ton then you my friend will have a big problem these creatures are found in the deep sea and most divers wear protective clothing in case they bump into one or any other of the dangerous creatures that live in the waters why are they feared so much these animals are not aggressive in fact if you meet one it'll probably slither away but they have one of the nastiest venoms in the world and this particular oversized breed has the ability to break through your bones with its stinger number 3 japanese spider crab the largest crab in the world and also the most expensive it is almost four meters long when stretched out from claw to claw but it is very unlikely for you to come across any as they live far below the water surface to get one you'll have to go fishing specifically for them they need special equipment as their sharp claws can cause nasty injuries but it seems as though they're injuries but it seems as though they're tasty enough to be worth the risk if you fancy a japanese spider crab for your next meal then head on over to okinawa and have your dreams come to life for 500 bucks number 2 midas flies no one likes flies they're always on your face if not hovering around your food it's terrible they always make those annoying buzzy sounds these tiny insects can be a nuisance on their own now picture one that's four times the size of a regular fly and a lot more stubborn the midas fly is what we're talking about it can be as long as 10 centimeters in length and have a wingspan of six centimeters but the good thing is that it's only found in arid areas not just anywhere number 1 goliath frog now i don't know about you but i'm not a fan of frogs some people may argue that they're cute and adorable but i just can't see any of that so i prefer to stay away from them but for the purpose of entertaining you i had to research on these massive amphibians that are rare and unique in their own way the goliath frog is the world's largest frog it is able to grow up to 32 centimeters in length and can weigh up to 4 kilograms they can only be found along the equator of western africa these creatures aren't dangerous and can live up to the age of 21 when in captivity they die young in the wild as they fall prey to giant lizards and crocodiles thank you for watching that's all we have time for today stay tuned for more entertaining videos