16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 17, 2022
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 17, 2022 Saint Agnes Church – N. Huntingdon, PA Celebrant – Rev. Teodoro Cortezano ALL ARE WELCOME Text: Marty Haugen, b1950, Tune: TWO OAKS, 968687 10 With refrain: Marty Haugen; ©1994, GIA Publications, Inc. Psalm 15 - The one who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord. Psalm 15 response from Lectionary for Mass ©1997, Verses ©2010 Conception Abbey/The Grail Admin. By GIA Publications, Music: ©Tony Alonso, 2012, 2014 by GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. ALL MY DAYS Text based on Psalm 8, J-Glenn Murray, SJ. Text & Music@1971,1974, Daniel L. Schutte and J-Glenn Murray, SJ. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. AT THE TABLE OF JESUS Text: based on Ubi Caritas; Tony e. Alonso, b.1980 Tune: SIMPLE GIFTS, arr. By Marty Haugen, b.1950 ©2010, GIA PUBLICATIONS, Inc. THESE ALONE ARE ENOUGH Text: Bases on “Suscipe” Prayer of Ignatius of Loyola; Dan Schutte, b.1947 Tune: Dan Schutte, b.1947,©2004, Dan Schutte, Published by OCP TAKE THE WORD OF GOD WITH YOU Text ©James Harrison, Music ©Christopher Walker, Published by OCP GLORIA - MASS OF JOY AND PEACE Text: ICEL, ©2010, Music: Mass of Joy and Peace, Tony E. Alonso ©2010, GIA Publications, Inc. HALLE, HALLE, HALLE Music: Traditional Caribbean, arr. By John L. Bell, ©1990 Iona Community, GIA Publications, Inc. Agent: verses and acc. By Marty Haugen, ©1993, GIA Publications, Inc. MASS OF CREATION, Text ICEL, ©2010 Music: Marty Haugen, ©1984,1985,2010, GIA Publications Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-700932