July 14, 2024 10 AM Blended Worship at Epworth UMC

July 14, 2024 10 AM Blended Worship at Epworth UMC

The Fruit of Thriving: Peace Ephesians 2:11-22 Worship Series Link: https://epworth.faith/first-summer-wo... Go to Sermon: https://www.youtube.com/live/40cXBQ8D... Sermon summary: https://pastors.ai/video/chatpreview/... Sermon-based Bible Study Guide: https://pastors.ai/video/chatpreview/... Sermon-based Daily Devotional: https://pastors.ai/video/chatpreview/... Prayer Prompts: https://pastors.ai/video/chatpreview/... To sign up for a Google Account and YouTube Channel to chat during livestream worship:    • Google/YouTube Sign In to Chat   If you need ASL interpretation follow this link to our ASL site:    / @epworthumcasl-rehobothbeac5845