FATHER KATO 24.07.2024

FATHER KATO 24.07.2024

CATHOLIC MEDITATION: 24 July, 2024. ⛪📖🖊️ 🟩 WEDNESDAY 🟩 16th Week, Ordinary Time - Year B 1st R : Jer. 1:1. 4-10. Resp. Psalm : Ps. 71. R/ - My mouth will tell of your salvation, Lord. Gosp. Mtt. 13:1-9. Message : DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOURSELF. GOD GIVES YOU CONFIDENCE TODAY; AND WITH HIM YOU CAN DO IT. Do not underestimate or underrate yourself. Many people fear embarking on a project because they feel they will not succeed. Their weaknesses scare them. The fear of failure scares them. The negative and sarcastic statements of others scare them. Psychologically, they have grown and were made to know they can do nothing good. The regular insults we grew up hearing - "dull thing", "foolish thing", "stupid idiot". Jeremiah feared because he was young and he was not a good public speaker. God who calls us knows how weak we are and the weaknesses we have. Yet he calls us because he does not focus on our weaknesses but on our strengths. With God, you can do the unimaginable. YouTube Link:    • CATHOLIC MEDITATION: Wednesday - 24 J...   Fr. Blessed Ambang Njume