Books to read during pregnancy in tamil for intelligent baby/part 1
In this video i am sharing my experience during my pregnancy. I am talking about four books that i read and loved. These four books are specifically made for read during pregnancy. The book that i have spoken about this video were all bought on amazon.com USA. I book it at lowest price from resellers on amazon.com. Books referred in this videos are 1. Education Begins Before Birth by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov 2. Windows to the womb by David Chamberlain 3. The Secret Life of the Unborn Child by Thomas Verny M.D., with John Kelly 4.The Mind of Your Newborn Baby by David Chamberlain Check out the part 2 of this video on Book to read during pregnancy in tamil at the link below • Books to read during pregnancy in tam... Check out my video on activities to do with babies and toddlers at the below link • Activities to do with babies and todd... Subcribe to my channel to get notified when I upload new videos / @poornimaspuridhal4006 Follow me on Facebook at / poornimas-puridhal-104259317983888 Follow me on Instagram at / poornimakarthick #bookstoreadduringpregnancy #bookstoreadduringpregnancyforintelligentbaby #bookstoreadduringpregnancyintamil