PAPA FACE ZBS #107 - The 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

PAPA FACE ZBS #107 - The 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

PAPA FACE ZBS #107 - The 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Teaching by Father Michael J. Truongluan Nguyen, C.Ss.R. Readings: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Psalm 96 Thessalonians 1:1-5b The Holy Gospel according to: Matthew 22:15-21 Video Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:12 Opening Prayer 01:44 Where can I find the PAPA Prayer for Priests 02:22 PAPA Prayer for Priests (praying with Father Michael) 04:29 What is PAPA FACE ZBS and how we Study? 08:56 Phase I (Summary of Readings) 46:36 Gospel Reading 49:13 Phase II - Sharing and Reporting Homilies 1:11:50 Phase III - Study of the Gospel 2:25:00 End Prayer and blessing 2:25:20 End Credits PAPA Prayer for Priest can also be found on our website at: PRIEST ALWAYS – PRAYER APOSTOLATE or PAPA A PRAYER FOR PRIESTS Almighty Eternal God, * look upon the face of Christ, * and for the love of Him * Who is the eternal High Priest,* have mercy on Your priests. * Remember, O most compassionate God, * that they are but weak and frail human beings. * Stir up in them the grace of their vocation * which is bestowed on them by the imposition of the Bishop’s hands. * Keep them close to You, * lest the enemy prevail against them, * so that they may never do anything in the slightest degree * unworthy of their sublime vocation. O Jesus, * I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests; * for Your unfaithful and tepid priests; * for Your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields; * for Your tempted priests; * for Your lonely priests; * for Your young priests;* for Your aged priests; * for Your sick priests; * for Your dying priests; * for the souls of Your priests in purgatory. But above all * I recommend to You the priests dearest to me: * the priest who baptized me; * the priests who absolved me from my sins; * the priests at whose Masses I assisted * and who gave me Your Body and Blood in Holy Communion; * the priests who taught and instructed me * or helped me and encouraged me; * all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way, * particularly _ (name the one priest who you believe is most in need now). * O Jesus,* keep them close to Your Sacred Heart, * and bless them abundantly in time and eternity. Amen. O Mary, Queen of the Apostles – Make your priests holy (3 times). St. John Vianney – Pray for us. St. Alphonsus – Pray for us. IMPRIMATUR + Archbishop Joseph Ngô– Châu Sơn 12.12.2012 NIHIL OBSTAT + Most Reverent Laurentius Chu Văn Minh – Hà Nội 16.12.2012