A beginners guide to buying Discus fish - learn from my mistakes - get the basics right first time

A beginners guide to buying Discus fish - learn from my mistakes - get the basics right first time

If you want to switch to Discus fish and youve been keeping tropical fish for a while, dont be scared. Theyre really not that hard, but theres some key things to get right. Buying the right fish from the right place, at the right size and in the right numbers is key for success. Learn from my mistakes. I wasted over a year by making simple mistakes which I wish someone had told me about. Speaking to others in the hobby so many made similar mistakes. Heres a quick video of some basic thing to consider when buying your first Discus, what to look for, where to buy from and what to avoid. Dont make the mistakes I made. #discusfishtank # aquarium # discuscare