How the Neanderthals Disappeared

How the Neanderthals Disappeared

00:00 How did the Neanderthals disappear? 29:30 Is a human an animal? 31:15 Post collapse self-sufficiency vs. defense 34:10 Extinction 101 before Extinction 102. Homework: Why do the animals on land disappear at the same time as the animals in the seas during a mass extinction? #bgaede #rationalscience #RopeHypothesis Free illustrated book on the Rope Model of Light and Gravity Download it at: Quora: Academia: Rational Science lectures (Wed & Sun UTC 19:00):    / @rationalscience   Extinction playlist:    • The Game of the Haves and the Have-Nots   Bill Gaede en castellano:    / billgaedeche   Patreon:   / rationalsci