How to Grow 4C Hair Faster | Recipes for Massive Hair Growth Ep. 1

How to Grow 4C Hair Faster | Recipes for Massive Hair Growth Ep. 1

Support your scalp massages to help your hair grow faster and stronger by tweaking your diet using my new eBook called “Diet Transformations for Massive Hair Growth – The Holy Grail for Kinky, Curly, Coily Hair”. You can choose the eBook or the MP3 Download with an exclusive resource page by clicking this link: https://www.kingdomlifestylecoachtrin... Scalp massages get nutrients to your hair follicles faster so why not automate the process using the GrowBand Pro by Hair Guard automated scalp massager: In this video I share a recipe to help bring in more vegetables to your diet. It’s delicious, it’s easy, it’s hardy and allows you to be very creative in the kitchen. I hope you like the video and find value in helping you live a healthier lifestyle and grow your hair simultaneously; so please like, comment and share. If you like to see the full un-edited video from my Kingdom Lifestyle Coaching channel, simply click this link:    • How to Make a Flexible Plant-Base Rec...   and subscribe while you’re there as that channel will become active before this year is out…fingers crossed! Check out the new playlist entitled “Recipes for Massive Hair Growth by clicking this link:    • Recipes for Massive Hair Growth   This is where I can support your healthy hair growth goals one meal at a time. While there, please subscribe to the channel so you will never miss a post. Leave a comment with your thoughts and share it with a friend you think would find value from the channel. ================= My Blogged Recipes: ================= To gain access to all my recipes, create a free login here: https://www.kingdomlifestylecoachtrin... ================== About Trina & Connect ================== https://www.kingdomlifestylecoachtrin...   / trinaclaiborne     / kingdomlifestylecoach     / 4chairtransformationsbytrina   DISCLAIMER: This video is NOT sponsored but the video description contains affiliate links, which means if you click on the product links and make a purchase, I’ll receive a small commission from the seller to help support the continuation of this channel. Thanks for your support.