CMA Inter - FMBDA (Dec 2023) - SUGGESTED ANSWERS | Gourav Kabra
To enroll for: 📌 P08, P11 & P12 (300 Marks COMBO): https://bit.ly/3xvveVY 📌 P11 & P12 (200 Marks COMBO): https://bit.ly/3xvveVY 📌 P11: FM & Data Analytics: https://bit.ly/3xvveVY 📌 P12: Management Accounting: https://bit.ly/3xvveVY ➤ Today's Notes: https://telegram.me/gkabra7/176 To enroll for: 📌CMA Final - 2022 Syllabus: Paper 14 - https://shorturl.at/bnNV1 📌 Contact us on WHATSAPP: https://bit.ly/3xvveVY ➤ Join our Telegram Channel: https://www.telegram.me/gkabra7 ➤ Join our Telegram Community: https://telegram.me/CMAInterbyGK ➤ Join our Telegram Community: https://telegram.me/SFMbyGK 📌 Our website: https://edutorsindia.co.in Link of Important Playlists: 1. Management Accounting (CMA Inter):    • Management Accounting (CMA Inter)  2. Financial Management & Data Analytics (CMA Inter):    • Financial Management & Data Analytics...  Don't forget to subscribe to these channels: 1. Gourav Kabra - CA & CMA: https://bit.ly/3GCrojf 2. Gourav Kabra (for CFA candidates): https://bit.ly/3ODFfIs You may also contact us on: +91 7596941141 for queries/enrollment. Know your faculty: Gourav Kabra Sir is a first-class commerce graduate from St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata. He is also a Chartered Accountant and has cleared all the three levels of CFA (US) Program. He is well known for his unique teaching style and is praised amongst thousands of students whom he has mentored in his experience of 7+ years. He has taught 5,000+ students till date and has worldwide audience. He is a stock market enthusiast too. He is into proprietary equity research since 2015 and continues to explore investment opportunities in Indian equities. #cmainter #cma #financialmanagement #managementaccounting #cmafm #sfm #group1 #group2 #costaccounting #cainter #caintercost #cainterfm #gauravkabra #caintermediate #caintercosting #caintercoaching #caintergroup1 #cainterfm #economicsforfinance #cmafinal