Improve skin quality from the inside with Plinest and Newest at Dr.Lyna Clinic! ✨ #drlyna #lcpholder

Improve skin quality from the inside with Plinest and Newest at Dr.Lyna Clinic! ✨ #drlyna #lcpholder

Plinest® and Newest® are the category changer in skin rejuvenation by using highly pure and effective polynucleotide (PN) gel to restore skin health of the face, neck and body. It improves skin quality from within, promoting skin bio-revitalization and collagen restoration via a natural physiological process. Patients treated with Plinest and Newest skin injectables will have better skin radiance, youthful looking textures, better skin elasticity, making them looking young and healthy. Suitable for: ✅ Aging skin ✅ Wrinkles and fine lines ✅ Large pores ✅ Acne scars ✅ Hyperpigmentation For more inquiries, please reach us at 09-7124098/ 017-7780900 or click link below: Dr. Azlina (Dr.Lyna) is the first doctor in Kelantan who has an LCP certificate registered with the Ministry of Health Malaysia (KKM) to perform aesthetic treatments. Ingat cantik, ingat Dr Lyna- Doktor Aesthetic. #plinest #newest #skinbooster #beautytransformation #finelines #acnescars #wrinkles #flawlessskin #skinbooster #acnescartreatment #glowingskin #klinikprimernilampuri #klinikdrlyna #drlynaestetikklinikkelantan #lcpholder #Icpcertifiedclinic