Can You Really Avoid Pregnancy While Breastfeeding? #part1

Can You Really Avoid Pregnancy While Breastfeeding? #part1

Can breastfeeding prevent pregnancy? Many believe breastfeeding acts as a foolproof contraceptive, but how effective is it really? In this video, we break down the science behind lactational amenorrhea, discuss the conditions where breastfeeding can delay ovulation, and share the surprising reasons it may not be as effective as you think. If you're a new parent or curious about breastfeeding and birth control, don't miss this video! #BreastfeedingMyths #LactationalAmenorrhea #PregnancyPrevention #NewParents #PostpartumHealth VIDEO KEY WORDS: breastfeeding myths, pregnancy while breastfeeding, lactational amenorrhea, natural contraceptives, can you get pregnant breastfeeding, postpartum birth control, breastfeeding and fertility, breastfeeding contraception facts, health myths debunked, breastfeeding science, new parent tips